8 Conversation Topics to Avoid on a First Date

November 7, 2016

When we get nervous, whether it’s at work or when we are out socially with someone new, we can sometimes say the wrong things. When we’re trying to make a positive first impression, our palms may begin to sweat and our voice may quiver as we quickly try to think of what to say next!

While on a first date or meeting someone new for the first time, it’s natural to come up with a list of conversation topics to discuss if the communication stalls briefly – but what about topics to avoid discussing?

ROVR wants you to feel prepared for your next first date, so we’ve pulled together 8 things you need to avoid discussing when you meet someone new.

1. Religion

Unless you met at a religious gathering, the topic of religion is best to avoid initially when getting to know someone. If this topic does come up, try to redirect the conversation, and remember not to be critical of the other person’s beliefs even if you disagree.

First date topics to avoid

2. Sex

While this is a topic of conversation that is okay to have after a few dates, it is, however, best to avoid when you first meet a prospective partner.

While you’re attempting to create a positive first impression there is no need to ask questions about the other person’s sex life or share any information about yours!

3. Politics

This subject couldn’t come at a better time with the Presidential Election happening this week!

Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, avoid bringing politics up at the dinner table.

Just like religion, politics is a subject to stay away from, because your thoughts and feelings are uniquely yours.

Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, avoid bringing politics up at the dinner table. Click To Tweet

4. The Service

Experiencing poor service at dinner? Is the waiter ignoring you? Whatever the case may be, make sure to remain calm and act courteously. When out with someone new, rudeness is a huge red flag, and is nearly impossible to recover from.

Don’t hesitate to take note of a date’s character based on his or her treatment of the service staff.

Don’t hesitate to take note of a date’s character based on his or her treatment of the service staff. Click To Tweet

5. Finance

Since personal finance is one of the leading causes of divorce in marriages, there’s no wonder why this topic is best avoided on a first date!

Discussing finances tends to bring up strong emotions, which makes it dangerous territory. Waiting until you know you’re in an exclusive relationship before talking about money is the best advice.

First date topics to avoid

6. Children

Unless you already have children, there’s no reason to discuss kids on a first date. It’s a topic that is sensitive in nature, though is necessary to discuss as you progress through your relationship.

This includes opinions about children, your ideas about raising kids, and your stance on vaccines, too.

7. Your Ex

Do we need to explain this one?

Your Ex is just that – your Ex. Most importantly, if you bring up your last relationship, it might seem as though you’re not completely over him or her. It’s so important to look for someone who is ready for a relationship, so be aware of this red flag when meeting someone new.

If you bring up your last relationship, it might seem like you’re hung up on your Ex. Click To Tweet

8. Marriage

Any idea why this is a topic to avoid?

If you don’t want to scare away a prospective partner on a first date, then marriage is not a topic to bring up! If you want to land a second date, don’t mention it!

As you’re preparing for your first date, remember that topics of conversation to discuss are just as important as topics to avoid. Take a deep breath, bookmark this blog and get ready to meet your new date. You never know where the night might take you!
